
The birds are chirping, the sky is infinitely blue and most importantly, the sun is shining (don't worry, this isn't about to turn into a Disney movie). April started cloudy and cold, as I reported in one of the previous posts, but spring arrived unannounced and the weather changed abruptly. As you can probably guess, I was more than delighted

I welcomed the warmth with open arms and started to enjoy the cozy garden sofa we put out on the balcony. I sat there with our dog almost every morning for a week, listening to music and soaking in the sun. Whenever I'm out there, I feel much happier and light. A slight breeze goes through my hair, keeping me cool under the hot sun and it makes me smile. Life is beautiful and I'm lucky to be alive. It's a blessing that I intend to treasure and this glorious weather makes me that much more thankful

Our dog really loves it as well, so he takes advantage of any little sunny spots he can find. As soon as I open the balcony door, he comes running and jumps straight onto the couch. He's been feeling more energetic with the weather change, so we venture on longer walks to appreciate the best spring has to offer. The difference within us seems almost immediate. People seem happier, more relaxed and carefree. The sun is like a life source that feeds something directly into us, like a subtle wave of calm electricity buzzing through the air, bringing us alive in the same way. 

I had wished the snow would melt faster and it finally did, in the blink of an eye, before I could even notice it. Most of it has cleared away and the green grass is slowly growing back in our garden. I couldn't wait to feel it with my bare feet, so like a little child I was happy to do it right away. I walked on it without being afraid to get dirty or wet from the freezing water that melted from the ice. It was magical to actually feel the earth beneath me once more. 

We're also starting to see fields of green, yellow and brown wherever we look. Everything is starting to look so bright and cheerful, like nature is coming alive. There are streams running everywhere, growing wider because of the melted snow and I can hear the soothing sound of running water when I go on a walk. Nature is awakening in full force, showing us that it is okay to come out of hiding. I'm doing my best to embrace the abundant joy that only nature encourages and let the fresh, crisp air of dawn purify me.

Decided to buy some bee-friendly seeds and I will plant them in early May, which is the suggested time period for doing so. It's the first time I'm attempting to plant anything, so I'm very excited to try it and to see them grow! I went for Sunflowers and Asters because I thought they looked pretty, but there are many options out there. A simple Google search will guide you on your quest to help the bees :) 

I was encouraged to join in on a delightful Swedish Easter tradition. What you see in the image is called påskris and despite being a simple little thing, it can be quite fun to do and it definitely makes your doorstep look much more colorful. You take a few branches or twigs (in this case, it came from our garden), you string them together nicely and then you decorate them with feathers. We (thankfully) used beautiful pastel colors, but some more adventurous neighbors didn't mind going all out. We helped my boyfriend's grandma decorate hers and then we did our own when we got home. Here's the final result! 

I've also been enjoying delicious (and terribly cute) ice cream, because I basically take any excuse to indulge in tasty treats! The one in the picture has quickly become a favorite of mine, watermelon flavored (you guessed it!) with a green stripe of pear. It's absolutely refreshing, perfect for a warm day. And it's so darn pretty to look at! 

Sweden has made my life really hard so far, but I really can't complain about the weather I've been greeted with since I arrived here. Nature has been more than generous and I'm extremely thankful for it. I feel renewed, I feel free. 
